
What is Anger?

There is hope, even if your brain tells you otherwise. Our mission is to offer Kansas and Missouri residents the best psychiatric care possible. Interpersonal Psychiatry helps you address and overcome mental health, relationship, and other concerns so you can live fuller lives. It is our mission to help you through the most difficult times in your life by giving you the therapy and tools you need. Our knowledgeable staff has years of experience providing treatment that has helped many on their path to a better life. We are confident that our care and guidance will give you the motivation to move forward to living the life you deserve.

What Are The Symptoms of Anger?

While all of these forms of anger are different, many of them share similar symptoms. Psychological symptoms of anger can include:

  • Depression
  • Irritation
  • Guilt
  • Resentment
  • The urge to lash out at anyone (physically or verbally)

Physical symptoms of excessive anger can include:

  • Fatigue
  • Pressure in your head
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate
  • Physical sensations of tingling


What Causes Anger?

Many triggers can result in feelings of anger in different people. These triggers can include a loss of patience, memories of traumatic events, unfair judgments of yourself or others, invalidation of your opinion, and much more.

How Is Anger Treated?

While anger is a natural emotion for people to experience, if you’re angry for too long or if it’s affecting your life and the lives of those around you, you might want to consider treating it. Medications that combat ADHD, anxiety, or depression are the only ones typically recommended when battling excessive issues with anger. Otherwise, it would be best to engage in support groups, anger management classes, or therapy with a trained professional, like those available at Interpersonal Psychiatry. These methods have all been shown to help people better understand their anger issues and how to get them under control.


This type of anger lasts an extended period and doesn’t necessarily have to link with any underlying triggers. However, if it’s not dealt with, it could potentially lead to an individual harming another person.


This form of anger is generally repressed and has creative ways of releasing itself. It’s challenging to identify because it hides behind avoidance, sarcasm, and other mediums.


This anger comes from an unsatisfactory result of judgments made about other people. This type of rage generally manifests as aggressive comments directed toward the source of one’s irritation.


This refers to anger at the self, and it may arise from making a mistake and beating yourself up over it whether you had control over the situation or not.


This anger surfaces when it feels like everything in life is piling on top of you. At that point, you might feel like life is too much to handle and become overwhelmed by anger at your surroundings and circumstances.


A slight annoyance or trigger might cause you to lash out at the person or thing that caused it. Anything that might be perceived wrong could lead to a physical or verbal outburst.


Do you have anger issues that impact your quality of life and the lives of those around you?

If so, and if you’d like to get a better handle on your angry emotions, consider checking out Interpersonal Psychiatry or reaching out at 785-393-6167 to learn about what they can do to help.