Author - ippsych

Everything You Need to Know About Psychological Assessments

Psychologists utilize psychological assessments as a standard method to learn more about you and your mental health. A psychological assessment is a powerful tool to create a personalized mental health plan to address any disorders, issues, or challenges. We’ll explain everything to know about psychological assessments, how they differ from evaluations, and what to expect at your assessment appointment. Getting an assessment is...

How Does Psychotherapy Work?

One of the cruelest responses that a depressed person can hear is to just "get over it." If it were that easy, that over 322 million around the world would not be grappling with depression. A recently released World Health Organization survey reveals that over 322 million people globally deal with depression every year. And that estimate is a dramatic 18%...

What Can I Expect During Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Treatment?

One of the cruelest responses that a depressed person can hear is to just "get over it." If it were that easy, that over 322 million around the world would not be grappling with depression. A recently released World Health Organization survey reveals that over 322 million people globally deal with depression every year. And that estimate is a dramatic 18%...

What Ketamine Can Do For Your Brain

The burden of depression for many sufferers is that it is a daily and lifelong struggle. It is not possible for one to “snap out” of a depression. Depression can be a severe mental health disorder that causes persistent mood imbalances, persistent depression, low self-esteem, and a decreased inability to enjoy and appreciate life. There is no one size fits all...

Teletherapy: Your Guide To Finding An Online Therapist

There is an old icebreaker joke about a doctor asking a patient if they think that using the word “practice,” to describe a doctor’s work is unnerving. Professional, licensed medical doctors, nurses, and practitioners have a public trust to perform their jobs as efficiently as possible. After all, they take an oath to start their careers. However, when ancient medicine emerged,...

Psychotherapy: What To Expect In Group Therapy

Loneliness is not about you feeling alone. Loneliness is the unceasing suspicion that no one cares or relates to you or your plight. And loneliness is the fuel that powers depression like a monster with an insatiable hunger. Depression is a mental health and mood disorder caused by an imbalance of the chemicals in the brain which regulates mood and emotion. If...

Light Therapy As A SAD Treatment Option

Throughout the spring and summer months, our moods always seem to be enhanced. It’s warmer outside, and we can do more outdoor activities. But when the weather gets colder, we begin to see a shift in our moods. Sometimes it may be nothing. But for others, it’s the result of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). There are traditional ways of dealing with SAD,...

What To Do If You Think Your Child May Be Transgender

When your child “comes out” as a transgender individual, you want to give all the support in the world. However, you might have feelings of doubt, confusion, and possibly grief for the son or daughter you raised from birth.   While those feelings are all valid, you need to do what is best for your child. In some cases, that includes supporting...

What is Rapid Cycling in Bipolar Disorder?

About 3 million people in America deal with bipolar disorder. It’s a condition where an individual’s mood changes without warning, prompting emotional highs and lows. With normal bipolar disorder, an individual may experience one or two episodes a year. However, there is another form of bipolar disorder that increases the episodes. It’s called rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Today we’ll be talking...

In honor of Women’s History Month: Unconventional and Intersectional

The world is put back by the death of everyone who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality. – Florence Nightingale One hallmark of nursing school is learning of The Lady With the Lamp, the nurturing woman who, during the Crimean War, despite her exalted social status, spent her life tending to sick soldiers, urging...