Personality Disorder

What is a Personality Disorder?

A personality disorder involves a way of thinking, behaving, and feeling that differs from how most people operate in general society. In short, it impacts how individuals can perceive and respond to the world around them. Personality disorders typically begin during early adulthood, and the ways people are affected differ between individuals.

What Causes Personality Disorders?

There are many different factors that can lead to the development of personality disorders. One of the most common causes is childhood trauma, such as sexual, emotional, physical, and verbal abuse from friends, parents, peers, or teachers. Some researchers have also identified ways that genetics can play a role in the development of personality disorders.

How Are Personality Disorders Treated?

Treatment options are available for those diagnosed with a personality disorder, though each disorder type is handled differently. One treatment method is to speak to a trained therapist- like those at Interpersonal Psychiatry- to learn more about their condition and comfortably express what’s going on inside their head.

However, there are no Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs available to treat personality disorders. Anti-anxiety medication, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers may be prescribed to treat specific symptoms that come with personality disorders.


Individuals with an antisocial personality disorder may behave in ways that are often dangerous to themselves and others. They also have issues of showing guilt, no matter how bad someone was treated.


Those with narcissistic personality disorders are under the belief that they are above other people. They are often perceived as putting their needs above everyone else’s.


Avoidant individuals often go to extremes to avoid relationships and social activities. They are often also extremely sensitive to criticism or worried about being ridiculed.


People with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are often perfectionists. They set unrealistic standards for themselves and may believe that their way is the only way to do most things.


Those with borderline personality disorder may have unstable thoughts of self-harm and intense feelings of loneliness. They may also have comorbidity with eating disorders, anxiety, and depression.


Any innocent everyday situation could come off as dangerous to those with a paranoid personality disorder.


Dependent individuals might be unable to make simple decisions on their own. They often have low self-confidence and always see others as being more capable than them.


These individuals find little pleasure in most activities and prefer to be alone most of the time.


Histrionic individuals are primarily dependent on being the center of attention and may make rash decisions to try and receive the attention they crave.


Individuals classified as Schizotypal are often distressed in social situations. They may also carry themselves in a way that others would consider awkward.


Were you diagnosed with a personality disorder and want to start discussing therapy and treatment with a top-quality medical professional?

Take a look at Interpersonal Psychiatry today or call 785-393-6167 to learn how their top-quality team of trained medical professionals can help you.