
Interpersonal Psychiatry – Caring for You with Innovative and Quality Care

The team at Interpersonal Psychiatry believes in providing quality and innovative care to their patients in Lawrence, Kansas City, and Topeka. Their professional providers and staff are dedicated to helping others, making a difference in the lives of their patients, and creating an experience that leads to healing. Interpersonal Psychiatry is the place for you if you’re looking for compassionate...

An Overview of Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Depression

If you are struggling with depression, it can feel like there is no hope. But, a new treatment has been gaining traction in the medical community for treating depression and other mental health issues. This treatment is known as ketamine infusion therapy. In this blog post, we will explore what ketamine infusion therapy is and how it may be able...

What Ketamine Can Do For Your Brain

The burden of depression for many sufferers is that it is a daily and lifelong struggle. It is not possible for one to “snap out” of a depression. Depression can be a severe mental health disorder that causes persistent mood imbalances, persistent depression, low self-esteem, and a decreased inability to enjoy and appreciate life. There is no one size fits all...

Light Therapy As A SAD Treatment Option

Throughout the spring and summer months, our moods always seem to be enhanced. It’s warmer outside, and we can do more outdoor activities. But when the weather gets colder, we begin to see a shift in our moods. Sometimes it may be nothing. But for others, it’s the result of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). There are traditional ways of dealing with SAD,...