An Overview of Ketamine Infusion Therapy for Depression
Psychologists utilize psychological assessments as a standard method to learn more about you and your mental health. A psychological assessment is a powerful tool to create a personalized mental health plan to address any disorders, issues, or challenges. We’ll explain everything to know about psychological assessments, how they differ from evaluations, and what to expect at your assessment appointment. Getting an assessment is...
The world is put back by the death of everyone who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality. – Florence Nightingale One hallmark of nursing school is learning of The Lady With the Lamp, the nurturing woman who, during the Crimean War, despite her exalted social status, spent her life tending to sick soldiers, urging...
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”. – Martin Luther King, Jr. In wholehearted agreement with Dr. King, it is also important to recognize the power that the words, even if they are seemingly caring sentiments from our allies, can hold. Words are a construct. They are often culturally, regionally, ethnically, and situationally specific, but whatever the...